Some years ago the paper towel dispensers were removed from the bathrooms at St. Chris...scandalous, I know. The thinking was... there was tooooo much paper "mess"...hello...200+ kids doing what they are supposed to be doing...washing and drying least that's what all the signs on the walls told the kids to do. The dispensers were replaced with two hand dryers per bathroom so now we have 200+ kids and two pitiful dryers (not the kind at the movie theaters that make your skin those). With teachers telling the kids to hurry in there, kids did what kids do...they skipped the washing and drying step...appalling! the interest of trying to keep kids healthy (and me from catching all their germs) I started buying my own darn paper towels!

Next thing I did was to put out an SOS plea to my parents for help and the paper towels came rolling in (literally). So far this year only a few parents have heeded the same call and I am scouring the stores for paper towel "deals".
Thomas and Noah
Canann and Makayla
Today we conducted a little hand drying test and the results were as follows:
2 kids=50 seconds at the dryers
25 kids=7 minutes per bathroom break
5 "official" breaks a day=35 minutes a day
AND that's just drying time AND that's if NO other class is in the restrooms at the same time and that NEVER happens!
So...for the sake of good hygiene, your child's educational time and my pocketbook PLEASE help! Should your kids have to bring paper towels to! But I really am at a loss for a better solution and I want everyone to stay healthy!