Right before school got out for Christmas vacation this year, the St. Christopher Student Council and several of us teachers delivered almost 400 mittens, scarves and hats from "Project Mitten Tree" to the students of P.S. 61, whose school is located directly north of the Indianapolis 500 race track. Two years ago P.S. 61 had been featured in the Indianapolis Star as a school in need and this was our second year of dedicating our Advent season to helping our neighboring school. They were temporarily relocated last year to the eastside of town so much needed renovations could be done to their school. Happy to say that they are back in their school and it is beautiful...so glad these kids have such a great environment. Just got the following pics to show some of the kids selecting their "goodies"...only chose the ones where the kids can't be identified.
Here is the letter we received from P.S. 61:
Thank you so much for coming by today and dropping off the donated items. We enjoyed meeting you all and showing you around our school. We will be passing out the hats, gloves, and scarves today before the children go home. I will be sure to take pictures and email them to you when we are done!
We truly appreciate what you have done to help out our students!
Thank you again,
Natalie Hulett
Job well done St. Christopher families...you make me so proud to be a teacher here!