Friday, February 24, 2012

hedgehogs and slinky dresses

This WILL be my next class pet...everytime I look at this picture I just die a little inside.  I can't hardly stand it!

...and keeping with the animal theme I have three little girls who are maybe going to be as "pet nuts" as I am. 

Canann would like to be a vet when she grows up!

These doggies look so happy to be visiting Dr. Canann...wait till she takes their temperatures...then we'll see.

Alaina has a little bit of a different take on this animal thing...she wants to do rescue work and find homes for animals that need them...

...and in this slinky strapless dress and killer high heels, I have NO doubt that she will be the queen of animal placement...globally even!

Dr. Mallory will be so kind and gentle working with animals...(I wanted to say because she has lots of experiences dealing with her two boy cousins...but I shouldn't say that).

Another happy the smile on this dog and love the ceiling fans to cool things down.

My fourth little girl Makayla decided she wants to be a people doctor...I love this picture of her examination room and the Mom knocking at the door...the detail blows me away.

This is one smart girl...she is in it for the $$$$$...oh yeah, and for the sick kids of course.
Dr. Makayla M.D. 

...and because this picture below brings so much joy to me just to look at it is again!

Say it with me....aaawwww.

Friday, February 10, 2012

casey jones at the wheel....

This career is near and dear to my heart because growing up my Dad was an engineer for the old M&StL railroad.  We used to travel by train to visit our Louisiana cousins and would sleep in the old Pullman cars...something most kids will never experience.  As a very young girl, my parents would put me on the train and send me to Chicago (with my name and address pinned to my clothes!!!! and enough money for an ice cream sundae in the dining car) to be picked up at Union Station by my uncle.  WHAT WERE THEY THINKING????

Well aren't we lucky that Fr. Mike is a train affecionado, so Noah and I took a little stroll (one of our new vocabulary words) over to his train room.  Look at that control panel!

The red is the caboose...a car of the past.

He's already asked his mom for train driving lessons...much better than spaceship driving lessons!

Noah is tickled because I just showed him the little Barbie doll I snuck into Fr. Mike's train room YEARS ago...can you find her?
A good career choice Noah...they have stellar retirement benefits!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

the future athletes...

I have four kiddos that want to be professional or semi-professional athletes when they grow up...that's down quite a bit from when I first started teaching and NO ONE wants to be a football player which I found amusing since we just hosted the Super Bowl...?  Actually I just think no one wants to get tackled all that much!
Here's my merry little band of athletes...guess which one wants to be a basketball player (those darn kids in front didn't hide the chair Stella used very well...drats!).

Normally Stella is much shorter but I took a little license here.

Even Stella thinks she's a lot taller than all the other players.

At least she didn't say her mom played basketball a long, long, long time ago.

Tennis player/Teacher
(specializing in Phonics)

I love this picture...especially with all the Phonics coding she drew on the Promethean board and the overhead ceiling fans and other decorations...I"m not for sure what's on the floor...maybe all the money she will make teaching...HA!

It's always good to have a back-up career.

My other little tennis player!

This is a pic of Thomas playing tennis with his brother Robert but in good brotherly fashion it looks like they are mainly it! good.

Nicholas wants to be a soccer player but he kind of looks a little annoyed with it all...

...but he has a big smile here.  I was a little concerned about the other player who appeared to be "shooting" him but after discussing it with Nicholas I discovered that it's a camera man doing "the shooting"...whew!  Of course you would want to get film of a world class soccer player.

You go Nicholas....steal that ball!

So there you go...I will follow your careers closely Stella, Molly, Nicholas and Thomas and if you ever get rich and famous I know a couple girls you could hire as private chefs.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

too (two) many cooks...?

This year for the first time ever, I've had a couple of ladies express an interest in being chefs...I'm thinking this would be perfect for me, because someday I'm sure I'll be dialing Meals on Wheels for home delivery and these two girls might just be my ticket...

Sweet Emalie is learning all the tricks of the trade from her mama so I am sure she will be an excellent chef!

You've got to LOVE a chef who cooks in heels!

Her own knife...this girl is on her way (and I do love a good cookie).

Lily has wanted to be a chef since the beginning of the school year (most kids have waivered a couple of times on career choice).

Look at her busy restaurant and I do believe I spot a buffet line...does it get any better than this?

Imagine...meatballs...sign me up!

So...being a good Catholic school...I decided to take advantage of these two aspiring chefs...and put them in charge...FREE LABOR!!

...and I do believe they would serve it up with love!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the "oldsters" on crazy day

It's not just the little kids that go all out for Crazy Day...actually I think the older kids get even a bigger kick out of it because they have been prepping for you will see below.  I had morning duty in the cafeteria Tuesday so I snapped a few pics as the strangeness began.

I couldn't help but think how handy and convenient this would be...I might have to start growing my hair out?!?

Would it surprise anyone to know this nerdy looking kid got high honors on his last report card?  I mean...he just looks a bizarrely weird way.

This family has a loooong history of dipping into their sister's wardrobe for Crazy Day...Sean actually thought it was rather

Look who forgot to shave (among other things).

I don't really even know if these kids go to St. Chris...or are they even kids?  I could tell it was going to be a long day in Mr. George's room!

Until next year...starting planning now!