Monday, February 4, 2013

wild animals...

The wild animals I am referring to in the title were not the kids...but I must say by Friday of Catholic Schools Week they were getting very close to that...very close.  Friday was a big day closing out the week and we started off with Silly Safari and Amazon John!

I l.o.v.e. a man who brings his dog to work and what a nice, well-behaved dog this was.  One of mine would qualify.

I wish they looked this way when we are doing Phonics.

Brady looks like he is saying "Yep, he picked ME!"  Doesn't seem phased that there is a snake next to him...such a boy! 

I love this picture...Amazing Amazon John and his Amazing...Crow??? camera is obviously not good at action shots but this crow would fly from the stage to where ever Amazon John was and the lower the kids ducked the lower the crow would was awesome!  And not one accident...if you get my drift.

Tawawa and the slimy toad...lucky girl.  She's touching it!

The kids got to touch some of the animals on the way out and I loved the concept of the hare and the tortoise.
Amazon John was soooo good.  He talked a lot about God and Mass and what we are about at a Catholic School (I understand his kids go to Catholic School).  He does children's parties too and I can't recommend him enough but be sure to ask for him by name.  

Amazon John
Silly Safari

Catholic Schools Week...over and OUT!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

cardinal ritter high do we love you? let us count the ways:

Dear Cardinal Ritter High School,
   We have loved you for a long time.  You treat our students so well when we send them over to you and you always tell us how well- prepared and mostly well-behaved they to our ears.

  But then comes Catholic Schools Week and the love are the other reasons we love you:

1. Anyone else would have thought flowers was a nice gesture...but you step it up and send a candy know us so well.

2. You send us pizza...omg...

3. ...and salads...that's our volleyball ringer Corinne...we wanted her nice and fueled.

4. And then...when it couldn't possibly get any send us chocolate covered cherries...sigh.

5. Food are the best Catholic High School around...we love you Cardinal Ritter!

P.S. A special thanks to all the Ritter families that make this happen and contribute to our wonderful luncheon AND... more chocolate covered cherries would make a nice Valentine treat and we would probably send you even more children...just saying.

6th grade versus faculty...and a ringer or two

To close out Catholic Schools Week we tried something new this year...a volleyball game between 6th grade and faculty...yep...fabulous idea!  Mrs. Betz (who normally would have been a strong faculty player...height-wise anyway) was side-lined with a knee injury (very convenient Mrs. Betz) so she took over coaching duties for 6th grade.

Now quite a few of these 6th graders play professionally (or as professionally as CYO gets) so they really do know what they are doing...right Wes?  However there are several kids in the background who look a little intimidated and worried...right?

Oh oh...they have some size on their side!

Took this pic of Kamryn because she has never met an event where she didn't get injured and I thought I'd get a good before/after picture but...she did come through unscathed. However, I did noticed Mr. B photo bombing in the background...he's got his camera smile going on there.

There were wild rumors floating around 6th grade that the teachers were bringing in some "ringers" to play on the faculty side...even word of a PROFESSIONAL VOLLEYBALL PLAYER...really?  Was the faculty that desperate?
Obviously we WERE desperate...Fr. Mike made a bunch of excuses why he couldn't dress up so we got the next best "ringer" available...Mr. Tom Steiner...he came in disguise so the kids wouldn't recognize him.

And here is our very own professional volleyball player...ex-student, Miss Corinne Owens, (sister of Mrs. Barker) and not quite a "professional" but an awesome player and a member of the volleyball playing Owens family.

This is our absolute darling second grade student teacher finding out that how well she played for the faculty would be reflected in her student teaching grade from Mrs. McKee...really?  Yes.  I wish I knew how to put thought bubbles above her head!

Mrs. McKee saying..."we've got problem...I could sleep through this with one hand tied behind my back".

I am going to get killed for this picture will be worth it.  Our unbiased referee (she does have a 6th grader but she knows whose side her bread is buttered on!) and she was very good.  There is Coach Betz in the background.

This was my seat companion throughout the game.  Future student (now how many years before I retire?) Bella poked me during the whole game but I gave as good as I got.  Isn't she the cutest?

This was a F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. idea cooked up (as I understand it) by the Student Council...well done school representatives!  Not that anyone was keeping score (actually we did have an official scorekeeper...well done Mr. Guenin) but the teachers did VERY well...

Oh...and if anyone out there is wondering why I wasn't playing...really?  I had to document it...duh?  What was your excuse Miss King?