Saturday, October 19, 2013

the saga of the hair....

I have several "Curly Sue's" in my life this year.  Mrs. Rippetoe Harding (librarian and reading teacher partner) and Sweet Olivia.  They have hair to die for...curly and shiny...but the grass is always greener on the other to speak.  So both Maria and Olivia announce they are coming to school Friday with straight hair!

Olivia has the best hair in the business and oh what her mother can do with definitely gives me hair envy. (Check out the darling bunny t-shirt on a recent out of uniform day)

Of course this hair event calls for a "selfie" picture and here are the girls admiring their straight locks.


Olivia's hair has gone from shoulder length to almost  "tush" length.  The hours these two spent with the blow dryer is unfathomable...but curly or straight...long or short...they both have it "going on" for them.  Glad I have wash and wear hair.

P.S. No educational time was wasted with this 2 minute photo shoot...the other kids were engaged in learning (I think).

sorry i pooped in your shoe...the process

Several years ago the idea for teacher decorated Christmas trees for the St. Chris auction popped up on the radar.  We were to decorate a tree around a book theme.  This lasted for two years and then ceased.  This year WE ARE BACK and they will be very popular judging from some of the finished products I have seen.  My process:

First you tell Miss King you want your tree in May because you want to work on it over the summer...yeah, like that really is going to happen but it does impress Miss King.  Mine sat on my Hoosier cabinet all of June, July, August, September and most of October.'s due next week!

Find a book!!!  I decided on a dog theme and then perused Amazon after entering "dog".  I searched pages and pages and pages of dog books until this little gem popped up.
I mean...what kid wouldn't love a book that had the word "pooped" in it?

Had to have a pair of shoes...

Found large heavy duty stickers and round and square disks and ribbon with paw prints on it...the stars are aligning!

Added the cute skirt, propped the book up and...something was still missing.  Back to Amazon...

...and found this little jewel...a Beanie Baby depicting one of my beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.

Also threw in this bonus book because how could I not?

The trees will be raffled off on November 23 at the St. Christopher Auction held at the Colombia Club.  Raffle tickets will be sold and then they can be placed in a bag in front of the tree you want.  Come on parents!  

...and the best thing of all is I already have my book for next year...Sorry I Peed in You Bed about the cats you have loved.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


This is Kate.  Kate is one of the kindest kids I know and frankly, I'm not for sure where it comes from...just kidding AJ and Katy (I know them pretty well!).  The first time I met Kate officially was at the St. Chris festival when she was about 4.  She asked me which rides I was going on and I told her that they all kind of scared me.  She said, "I'll go with you and hold your hand" and she's had me eating out of her hand ever since.

Kate is pretty adept at using her Mom's cell phone and contact list and this popped up on my messages a few days ago...L.O.V.E. that smile.

Kate had been dying to tell me what she would like her super power to be (hadn't intended to even ask her ) so when we started the interviewing process, the first thing she told me was that she would love to be able to freeze people...what???

First day of school...she's trying to freeze me I think.
Kate says her Mom and Dad make the best chocolate chip cookies ever but that Dad actually makes them best...I wouldn't know??

Here are some of Kate's "people".  She said her sister Brittany is the most annoying person in her house but it's because Brittany tells her she talks too much..ya think!!

I'm going out on a limb here but I think this is Kate on an airplane to Disney World...but I could be wrong.
Kate told me that when she grows up she wants to be a chef.  She said she would cook for me after she became a chef but wanted to know if I would be retired by then.  I told her I would probably be dead by then...OMG, her eyes got sooo big.  I may have scarred her for life!  Oops!
Living the life at the lake's good to be a Ploughe.

...and like any good Ploughe she has learned that it's important to start earning a living, so she moonlights at Christmas time as the Colombia Club's resident elf.  I mean, you can only earn so much money from the tooth fairy after all.

...and to show how well-rounded she is, she also got to do announcements a week ago.  She begged me to let her do it and then moments before her big gig she was sooo nervous!

"When can I push the red button?"

Kate thinks first grade is so awesome because she gets to hold Topher...uh, what about me Kate?
Kate and Topher

As many of you know, I have four Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Kate has fallen hard for one of them (and the feeling seems to be mutual).
Honestly, Kate doesn't understand why I won't  just turn this love over to her.

Since I won't give her one of my pups, the next best thing is buttering up Grandma and Grandpa (and Christmas is just around the corner AND one of my "girls" MIGHT just be expecting).
Of course I had to do some editorializing.

...and just because...

...some things are better left a mystery!?!

Next up: Keegan

Saturday, October 5, 2013


This is Andrew (one of two Andrews in my really this is Andrew E. or Andrew 7).  Andrew was new to St. Chris this year but actually I told him this week it seems like he has been there forever.  Andrew is everything you would want in a kid...sweet, handsome, smart, well-behaved and what really captures my heart...he is a red head.

Andrew and his family ( least his Mom) and I could be kindred spirits...they are animal crazy.  At last count, they had three dogs with another one joining them around Halloween, four birds (parakeets) and three fish.  They REALLY need a farm cuz then they could have horses, goats, llamas...I must introduce them to the Witek parents. were a darling "kid".

When I first met the Eller family (on their initial tour of St. Chris) I just knew that I was going to like them and we had so many connections that I didn't even know about.  First...Andrew's two older brothers had graduated from Cardinal Ritter High School which is a huge connection as that is where the majority of our kids go for "higher learning" and of Andrew's older brothers dates one of my favorite "old girls" Samantha W.  What a small world.  I kept my fingers crossed that the Eller family would pick St. Chris and that Andrew would be in my first grade...check and check!
What a lovely family picture...Mom and Dad Eller and older brothers Justin and Zach and right there in front on the Sam!

When I asked Andrew how he likes St. Christopher he just kind of "melted" and said he LOVES St. Chris and his two favorite things about our school are the teachers (awww!) and his very favorite time of day is math time (double awww!).
Love a man who loves baseball.

Andrew said that the secret power he would most like to have is to be able to fly like Iron Man...well too.  He also said that he has a very good friend who is almost like a sister to him...they just don't have enough room at their house for a real sister...HA!
I look at this picture and all I can think is how lucky Andrew is to have two big brothers like these.  I don't know them but they certainly are handsome boys...and, let's face it...I think they are pretty lucky to have a little brother like Andrew.
Andrew is a little train "crazy" and definitely thinks steam trains are better than too Andrew! (???)  It is a definite theme when he writes.  
Yep...they need a farm.

Of course Andrew took to the classroom critters like a duck to water.
Andrew and Topher

I am so happy that the Eller family decided that St. Chris would be a good fit for Andrew and his mother has quickly become my right-hand gal on Fridays...listening to kids read, organizing and grading homework and just generally willing and able to do anything to help.

Not only did they decide that St. Chris was a good fit for Andrew but for the whole family as well and I will be there for the Easter Vigil Mass (it's like 8 hours long!) to welcome them into the church.  

I told Fr. Mike that I enroll them and convert them...all at the same time!  Seriously though, this is something they have been thinking about for awhile and I am so glad that I can be a little part of that experience.

Glad to have you Andrew and clan.

Next up: Kate