Catchy title for a first grade blog...huh? will see that it fits very nicely. Mrs. Allspaw was working with one of my reading groups this morning and decided to "change it up" a little and do some writing. When coaching the kids on how to handle the topic of a funny thing that may or may not have happened to the dinosaurs, she encouraged the kids to have fun with it and go for the whimsical...I do love me some whimsical!
Abby got right into the spirit of the assignment and picked a dinosaur party theme complete with "funky" masks... |
...and (I am convinced) a little cocktail sitting on the back on this particular party animal. |
You've heard of product placement...Anna went for a little of that in her story... |
...and away they go! |
A good quickie blog for a Friday night...and now I'm off to see the Fever play some basketball!
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