It was a good week in Room 7 and we are half way through the first quarter (or so says my calendar) although I find that very hard to believe. We've even survived the first spelling test! Here are some more of my kiddos up close and personal...
Sweet Andrew...I had his sister Julie and have known this kid since he was very little...I always gave him candy when he would come to visit but he hasn't gotten into my secret stash...yet. |
Abby started the year with a cast and is now down to a splint which is or isn't on depending on the day...I think it's become more arm bling than anything else...or yeah, and she is the author and illustrator of the dinosaur party. |
Tawawa is new to St. Chris this year and is a little dream student. I l.o.v.e. her picture...especially that cute little nose! |
I had Ethan's mom in first grade (whoa!) and I brought a very big smile to his face the other day when I told him he was waaaaaaay easier than his mom...sorry Melissa...but it is TRUE! |
...and my redhead! I always envisioned myself as having a little redhead of my own (and there were lots of redheads in my family) but alas...only a blonde...although my little girl has since "blessed" me with many shades of red (some on the color spectrum and some not on the color spectrum) since she discovered the magic of hair coloring. I love Alli's shade of red. |
Stayed tuned for the final five!
I'm going red tomorrow! Hold onto your hat.