Tuesday, November 8, 2011

making of a music video with the "cool kids"

It's that time of year when all of St. Christopher's  focus and energy goes into getting ready for this year's auction.  Part of the first grade package is an electric guitar made by Makenna Drake's grandfather (and Andy Drake's father).  In preparation, we made a music video today of the kids being cool beyond belief and then progressing into their best air guitar mode.  Several may need trips to the chiropractor with all the head whipping that was going on!  Enjoy...

Too cool for school!

I would not want to meet any of
them in a dark alley.


Some might be napping behind those glasses.

The "Sharks" and the "Jets"

I don't even know what to say about this pic.
air guitar-ing!
"I whip my hair back and forth"
Somehow the cool factor isn't that impressive when the shoelaces
are untied and the girls are wearing fashion boots...just saying!


  1. i love everything about this!! y didnt we do anything this cool a million years ago when I was is your class?! :)

  2. Were there computers back in that day??? LOL
