Friday, November 18, 2011

the shame of tardiness

OK...I admit it...I don't wake up easily.  Over the years I have invested in more alarm clocks than I can count.  I NEED to be up at 5:00 a.m. five days a week because...I NEED my coffee, the dogs NEED to be walked and fed, I NEED to read the newspaper, I NEED to check Facebook and I NEED to be clean.  That being said body and brain don't WANT to get up until 9 a.m.  I AM THE DEEPEST SLEEPER IN THE WORLD!!!!!  I used to have "Clockie".  Clockie was an alarm clock on wheels.  You could hit the snooze button ONCE and then the next time Clockie would take off running on the wheels, jump off the night stand and proceed to run all over the room buzzing hysterically...I loved Clockie because he did his job well but I discovered Clockie could only sustain so many instances of throwing himself off the night stand before..well, you get the picture.

However, this year I have met the love of my life:
             The Sweetheart Sonic Alert Alarm

She looks all pink and cute and precious...but she has an accelerating high pitched siren and bells alarm with...wait for attached BED SHAKER.  This my friends, is the best purchase I have ever made in my life.  However, this morning I discovered she doesn't set herself and yes, I had to make the walk of tardy shame into my classroom at 8:05...bummer!

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