Tuesday, January 31, 2012

don't drop your tail in the toilet

Things coming out of our mouths today:
1. Mrs. Allpaw: "Don't drop your tail in the toilet."
2. Mrs. Connor: "Did that just come out of your nose?"
3. Makenna Drake: "My shoes make me dizzy."
(after a particularly awkward face plant)

...and why all these things that one never thinks one will EVER say...?


"Tail girl" in the middle

Honestly...it was hard to teach today when things like this kept popping up!

I have the feeling that this is what Helen Carter Bonham wore in first grade.  Look her up if that name means nothing to you...I think you'll agree.
BTW...it's older brother Ben for sale!

Helen Carter Bonham

...and then add a "snuggie".

I kinda felt a little threatened all day by the masked man in the middle.

I want these...


...back (I wonder what time the Mertz's got up this morning)

Pure goofy!

Loving Crazy Day

A boy and his dog

You never know what is going to show up!

Molly...you needed braids or ponytails for this pic.
I touched Noah's hair and I have the band-aids to prove it!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

silly safari and goofy kids...

First a disclaimer:  I am not good with technology although I am learning every day...I discovered the zoom feature on my Iphone ...and then discovered the pics aren't very sharp...sorry!

Friday we got visited by Silly Safari and had a ball...Mrs. Allspaw got all settled nice and comfy...and then things went south for her!
She had her coffee...she had a semi comfortable seat...she had a front row view and then...

...the snake came out!

Didn't know the old girl could move so fast!

"Shock and Awe"...in the truest form!

Fortunately, Karsten was in his element.

Love the look on the kindergartner in the red shirt...she is having none of that holding business.

I would have sworn this was a plastic or rubber frog but...

...Sam "frog boy" Sgroi bravely went up and gave it a few gentle pokes...

... and attested to its "aliveness".

Look at the reaction the next animal got from the Kindergartners...love it.

Audrey was none too sure about it either...

...but she "gamely" touched it and...

...now wants one for her very own?

We all got to touch the bunny and Audrey's new best friend on the way out.

...and Mrs. Allspaw survived!

dinosaur digger, cartoonist and model (and back up singer for Audrey)

...more career choices!  Meet Luke, Charlie and Ella...at Christmas, Luke was the lucky recipient of several dinosaur bones from his now "favorite" uncle.  Who wouldn't want to make this a life choice?  Charlie loves to draw and the more detailed the better and Ella...well Ella likes to get dolled up as you will see!

If you look very, very carefully...you can see dinosaur bones imbedded into the mountain Luke is digging on...very clever my man!

I think it will also be very sweaty work Luke.

Charlie and all his highly technical cartooning gear...in my day all it took was paper and a #2 pencil...finely sharpened of course!

Isn't our Children's Museum the best...here's at least one child that was inspired by his visit to our treasured museum.

Here's a panel of Charlie's work...it looks like DNA drawings to me.

A fashionista from head to toe...I love her fashion sense and  sparkly boots...you may remember her red Toms from a previous post.

A first grader who loves accessories...I almost cried.

Woo-hoo, indeed!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

teacher in the making...

Lots of kids want to be teachers when they grow up...but Makenna knows what the secret ingredient is that separates good teachers from great teachers...THE BOSSY FACTOR!

Notice the "Miss Drake" face...and this is just how Sarah looked in first grade when I pointed out HER mistakes!

...and to show off some of her multiple talents...play the video!

the mitten tree...conclusion

Right before school got out for Christmas vacation this year, the St. Christopher Student Council and several of us teachers delivered almost 400 mittens, scarves and hats from "Project Mitten Tree" to the students of P.S. 61, whose school is located directly north of the Indianapolis 500 race track.  Two years ago P.S. 61 had been featured in the Indianapolis Star as a school in need and this was our second year of dedicating our Advent season to helping our neighboring school.  They were temporarily relocated last year to the eastside of town so much needed renovations could be done to their school.  Happy to say that they are back in their school and it is beautiful...so glad these kids have such a great environment.  Just got the following pics to show some of the kids selecting their "goodies"...only chose the ones where the kids can't be identified. 

Here is the letter we received from P.S. 61:
Thank you so much for coming by today and dropping off the donated items.  We enjoyed meeting you all and showing you around our school.  We will be passing out the hats, gloves, and scarves today before the children go home. I will be sure to take pictures and email them to you when we are done!
We truly appreciate what you have done to help out our students!
Thank you again,
Natalie Hulett

Job well done St. Christopher families...you make me so proud to be a teacher here!

Friday, January 27, 2012

rock hard and go home

In getting ready for our Catholic School's Week Open House, I knew I needed to pick a writing prompt that would let all my talented children shine and that would make a nice display for the big day so...I decided to go with a "career"
theme...and boy, did they shine!  Below are a sampling of some of the stories and pics that 
made me laugh and I hope bring a smile to your face.  All the stories are on display in my room, so be sure to stop by and peruse...they are awesome!

We had an "out-of-uniform" day and this jaunty fedora was just a forerunner for Audrey's career choice.

"Girl Bands Rock Harder"

See...miracles DO happen!

If this isn't the best motto in the whole world, I don't know what is!

Simeon and his robot

I have commissioned him to build me a dog walking robot (because when he becomes a robot engineer I definitely won't be able to walk "the girls" on a walker anymore).
P.S. I already negotiated the price of this miracle robot...free!

Note: just slip the leashes over those "hands"

Dream job of all my little boys...video game designer.

He even has a name for his first video game! 
I have more posts coming on this same theme but it's a Friday night and I have "rocked hard" so it's time 'TO GO HOME".