Friday, November 2, 2012


I love when the kids start REALLY writing sentences and stories...especially when their writing tickles MY funny bone!  Every week we have four new vocabulary words with a test on Friday where they have to use one of the words in a sentence...there has been blood, sweat and tears but we have arrived where we can start doing a little publishing.  Our word this week was "wiggle"...I knew it would be fun!

Kate made this statement and I said "prove it"...

It took several photographs to get her to wiggle her nose without going completely cross-eyed...but we did it (apparently nose wiggling involves mouth scrunching).

RayLawnce always takes things to a higher level...upon reading this I may have had a little coffee come out my nose!

She knows she's funny but one of our other words was "bashful" and she has that down pat too.

I'm with you on this one Tawawa...even wiggly fingers coming my way causes "the tickles and the giggles".


...and that's the truth up until last night.  

Old snaggle tooth no more...Case has had a dangling tooth way too long so his sentence was kind of a celebration...I l.o.v.e. this!

Sour pickles...wiggle?...creative!

Kloie just tells it like it is!

Stay tuned because in two weeks one of our words is BUSYBODY...can hardly wait!