Saturday, November 2, 2013


This is Keegan.  You know there are families that you just seem to have known forever...well this is one of them...and I have known them forever.  Keegan is the youngest of seven (yes...I said seven) and the sixth one I have had in first grade!  Adam went to first grade in Japan which I've always said explained a lot about Adam...just kidding Adam.  Keegan adores his family and told me he is happiest when he is with them.  I told him chocolate makes me my happiest! 

Keegan is such a free spirit...always smiling and laughing and ALWAYS has a story to tell.  Well now I get to tell a story about him.

A month ago Keegan told me he wanted to be a sheriff when he grew up but now he has decided that all sheriffs do are ride around on horses so he's decided he would really like to be a fireman and rescue it changes again in a month.  I think Keegan can be whatever he wants to be as his Dad has introduced him to lots of cool experiences around the old homestead. 

Assistant gazebo builder...

Assistant "farm hand"...

First grade is doing a picto-documentry for the St. Chris auction about what we want to be when we grow up...I want to be Keegan.  Not only is he surrounded by a large and loving family but this kid has animals out the wazoo.
Tucker the Dog

Gary the Duck

Cowboy the Horse (plus two more)
As I said before, Keegan loves to tell me stories and I have heard about this fish since the beginning of school so had to request a picture just to make sure it wasn't a fisherman's tall!
A very proud boy!

By the way...they also have Topher is not a REAL big deal but Keegan loves him anyway and is my chief sweeper of bunny stuff around the cages...thanks kiddo!

When I had my first of the seven, there were just three precious little girls in the family and they were the best dressed, most put together three little girls I had ever seen...

...and then there came the seventh.  Keegan definitely has his own style and wears it proudly.  Here he is ready for gym.

Love the St. Chris cheerleading shirt.  (He is NOT a St. Chris cheerleader by the way).

Keegan's family spent five years in Kobe Japan and he was actually born there.  I asked him if that made him Japanese and he said he didn't think so because he only speaks English.

...and yes, that is Keegan standing in his barn with two llamas behind him because what little boy doesn't have horses, bunnies, dogs, ducks AND llamas at his house.  As I said, I want to be Keegan when I grow up.

Keegan told me that his favorite part of the day is actually nighttime so he can sleep...well yeah, his daytime has got to be exhausting with all the excitement of being Keegan.

Next up: Sammy

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