Sunday, September 11, 2011

things we know not to do...part 1

Since our Catholic Identity Goal this year includes more reverence during church, I am so very pleased to say that your children have been pretty "picture perfect" since the first school Mass of the year. They have received many compliments on their behavior...even from the big man himself...Fr. Mike! order to let you know what we don't tolerate (so you can translate our good Mass behavior to Sunday with the family) we did a little pictorial on things we know not to do!  Pics by Mr. Van Vertloo with directorial comments from Mrs. Allspaw and Mrs. Connor.
You're not 62..kneel up straight!
(only Mrs. Connor can do this!)
They've been hands in pockets!
(only Johnny looks unafraid)
Arm wrestling...not exactly a peaceful
sign of peace...some of the meaning may(??)
be getting lost here!

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