Tuesday, January 24, 2012

the blog of shame...and good home wanted

I've been "dissed" by my own daughter because I have been remiss in getting a new blog out...but secretly think it's kind of cool that she's noticed...looked through my supply of pics and decided I had enough good material to get busy.  First item of business:

Look what showed up at the Mertz house...my heart is melting here and I am sooo tempted but...my daughter has warned me that she has Animal Hoarders on speed dial so if anyone knows of a kid needing a kitty (or adult) let me know.
Jesus would have taken him/her in...I'm sure of it!  Seriously...this kitten NEEDS A GOOD HOME!

Mrs. Allspaw had a sick son at home so what's a person to do with two reading groups?  Combine.
This book is 52 years old but so much fun with all it's rhyming words so off to the cafeteria we headed.

After looking at both of these pictures there
is one thing I noticed...Makenna does not miss
a photo-op.  The best pic is not here though...
the one of four kids getting me up off the floor.

The first thing I have to say here is I HATE the metric system...but love the non-standard measuring lessons.  I may not be able to master mm, dm, cm but I love unifix cubes...this is Charlie measuring his desk!

Lauren (and helper) measuring my Elmo.

Audrey and her group got REAL ambitious and measured their whole table (anything to put off Phonics).

...and Cutie (the one on the left) stopped by for a visit...I started with a cutie and am ending with a Cutie.
...and no, that's NOT toliet paper on my desk.


  1. Ok, here I am now...left a comment on your FB page. I opened a new gmail account which I will never use, but hopefully this will work.

  2. You should have called me out of my classroom. I would have GLADLY taken a picture of the four kids pulling you up off the floor! Reenactment?! :)
