Tuesday, September 11, 2012

weirdness...or trolls in room 7?

It's been weird in my room lately...the kids say my Promethean board has trolls in it (I think it has just taken on a life of it's own)...and then I discovered this picture on my camera...what the heck!  I didn't take this but there it was...my life in a nutshell.  A dollar, a diet coke and a Phonics reader...as I said weird.

Then during a "stirring" and powerful lesson on naming parts in sentences...I put Tawawa to sleep.  I was sooo envious...

To be fair...she had been in Boston for a four day wedding and was suffering jet lag...I was still envious.

...and then this.
...along with a text from her mother that said
"Yes my child came to school with one sock.  Don't judge:)"  Hello...have you met me?